Creating Content to Generate Customers and Traffic

Five Month Winter Marketing Funnel





Awareness - (November, December) - The beginning month of the Winter season will be used to remind the audience of the outdoor sport. The campaign will act more or less as a "teasing" of the sport and build early anticipation of warmer weather.

Consideration - (January) - Engagement of the audience will be used to promote build more interest.

Conversion - (February) - Being the "Early bird specials" promotions.

Loyalty, Intent, and Sale - (March) - Reward the preseason signup audiences with a promotional gift.

Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram Story Feeds

The story feeds for Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will be used in March for the promotional gift campaign. This promotion will feature a gift and to reward the Early Bird sign up members. This gift will add the advocacy and social media growth in the final month of the winter campaign.

"Dictionary Term" campaign for Facebook

This campaign is targeted adults 30-50 years-old. By targeting this demographic on Facebook, we plan to reach an audience that is looking for alternative ways to stay in shape. The dictionary campaign also targets the "keyboard warriors" who correct grammar mistakes as well as older health professionals.

"When It Warms Up" Campaign

The "When It Warms Up," campaign is heavy on the bright, airy, and green backgrounds. Subjects used in the campaign will be shown wearing warm weather clothing and exploring areas that polar opposite of the Panhandle winter months. This will be a photo series featured on Instagram posts and a less invasive "stories" post.