BLB #3
For Big Little Breakthroughs #3, the assignment was to make a series of Twitter FAQs. The issue that this assignment covers is to promote quitting smoking. With my own battles of trying to quit by myself, I understand that seeking help to quit was the biggest part of my own choice to stop.
By seeking out a medical professional, I have completed at the most, 20% of the journey. I’ve divided the remaining 80% into groups: 20% physical activity (e.g. running laps at the West Texas A&M University track). Another 20% goal is to constantly read more information about the dangers of smoking. The last part of the equation is the 40%. It is by far the most important step. It involves being around more positive non-smokers. These are the people in class that ask, “How long as it been?” They are the instructors that do not want to let down by walking into their office smelling like an ashtray. They are the young niece and nephews who sit in the backseat of the car.
By sharing this information, the hope that those people who know smokers can share the advice that helps them to quit. Ultimately, the smoker needs to choose to quit because of the people who care about them.